Saturday, March 21, 2015

Return back to class 3/23/2015

Pick your topic for Opinion paragraph
Give three reasons why
Thesis:  Statement + assertion (should/should not)
Should animals be used for research?
Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
Should the government have a say in our diets?
Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
Should English be the official language in the United States?

Final Essays with Tutor Signature Due:  3/30
Extra Credit - March 26 from 4 to 7 PM - Student Union (cafeteria area).  Attend Cultural Diversity event from 4 to 7 pm and receive extra credit (I will take your lowest quiz or essay grade and turn it into 100%).

Class Overview:
1.  We will go over Amy Tan - Mother Tongue reading assignment - Q&A + Summary
Discuss similarities and differences with both Tan short stories
2. Grammar (in book) Page 381 / Chapter 21:  Subject/Verb Agreement, Count and Non Count Nouns, Types of Verbs (linking, helping, action), Verb Tenses, Prepositional Phrases, Independent and Dependent Clauses.  What is the difference between a clause and a phrase?
  1. If you are unsure whether a group of words is a clause or phrase, break down the words into the parts of speech to help you decide. If there is a subject and a verb with a predicate, it is a clause. If there is a noun but no verb or a verb but no noun and does not have a predicate, it is a phrase.
  2. 3. Review Cause and Effect Sentences - Learning Cause and Effect
  3. 4.  Creating strong opinions ...... learning the difference between facts and opinions
  4. 5. Broad to Narrow topics ..... 3 narrow topics from each broad topic.
  5. 6.  Reviewed transitional words. 

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